Sustainable Development and the Future of Journalism panel

Posted on 12 June 2012 by admin

When: Back to Calendar June 16, 2012 @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Where: Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro /Leme (L150), Rio Datacentro
Categories: Event
A series of three discussions during Fair ideas will shine a media lens on the Rio+20 summit and related debates. Within these three sessions — organised as part of the Reframing Rio project — a diverse range of stakeholders will consider the ideas and issues emerging from the Rio+20 summit from the media perspective, and explore how communications are evolving in light of rapid technological change.
Time: Saturday 16th June; 14.00–15.30
Sustainable development: What’s the story?
Room: Leme (L150)
Media and the public buy into characters and stories, not issues. So what can Rio+20 offer journalists? We’ll ask policy specialists to ‘sell’ sustainable development to this challenging market-place; and ask journalists where they think the stories are. Taking these insights, we’ll consider sustainable development reporting against the background of a rapidly evolving media. Can the mainstream compete with the immediacy of social networks, Twitter and Facebook?
Robert Bisset, Senior Communications Officer, World Bank                   
Katie Taft, Communications Officer, International Fund for Agricultural Development
Diana Cariboni, Associate Editor-in-chief, IPS                                                              
Time: Sunday 17th June; 11.30–13.00
Reframing Rio: Can film make a difference?
Room: Leme (L150)
Does the moving image have a special power to move and motivate audiences? And if so, what can film bring to the sustainable development debate? In this session, we’ll screen clips from documentaries, investigative films and youth films and debate what each format offers in terms of storytelling and engagement.
Bruno Sorrentino, filmmaker and director of Zero, Ten, Twenty
Time: Sunday 17th June; 14.00–15.30
Room: Rio Datacentro
In this session, we will examine the relationship between campaigning organisations and mainstream journalism — comparing values and approaches, assessing key audiences and searching for common ground.
Joydeep Gupta, Project director, Third Pole Project, India
Reframing Rio is an ambitious multi-media project which aims to reignite the global debate about the need to re-set the world on more sustainable pathways around the Rio +20 summit. The project has been implemented by:
tve — a collective name for Television for the Environment and Television Trust for the Environment — works with partners worldwide to make and distribute films which inspire change for a more sustainable planet.
IIED is a policy research organisation with 40 years of experience in environment and development. Based in London and working on five continents, IIED specialises in linking local to global.
IPS is an international communication institution with a global news agency at its core, raising the voices of the South and civil society on issues of development, globalisation, human rights and the environment.

The Reframing Rio project is funded by: the European Union, the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the World Bank, COMplus Alliance, Connect4Climate, Canal Futura, Roberto Marinho Foundation, Firjan and the UN Population Fund (UNFPA).     

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