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Strict Standards: Redefining already defined constructor for class WP_Http in /home/gssn/public_html/ipsorg/blog/mdg3/wp-includes/http.php on line 61
2011 March

Archive for March, 2011

Nepal`s single women instigate much needed change

Posted on March 7, 2011, by drini, under Gender Masala.


By Lily Thapa.
Director and founder of Women for Human Rights, working to support single women who have lost their husbands.

When my husband died I was 29 years old with two young children. I was educated and from a professional middle-class family in Katmandu, the capital of Nepal. My husband was of similar background.
But with his death I realized for myself that education could make inroads into a society only up to a point. In Nepal which is mostly a Hindu society, deep-rooted religious traditions, some of them blatantly discriminating against women, are difficult to change. And this is what I faced, an experience so traumatic that I was jolted into working for change.